5910 Van Nuys Boulevard
Van Nuys, CA 91401
Phone: 818.988.8878
Fax: 818.988.8339
Email: SandraNutt1234@gmail.com
I am flexible and able to schedule evening, week-end and in-home appointments.
Sandy’s Philosophies
Bankruptcy. I am a compassionate person and I enjoy assisting those in need. I am here to solve your problems. 99% of individuals or couples filing bankruptcy have no desire to do so. They have to. My job is to assess the entire situation, hopefully give you some encouragement that you are not alone and advise you of all of your options. Sometimes it is best not to file, but to wait or negotiate a settlement. Many elderly people are not aware of certain protections built into our state and federal laws that mean they don’t need to file bankruptcy. I am here to tell you when you don’t need to file as well.
Divorce. Unfortunately clients often feel powerless when divorce occurs. There is an emotional divorce and a legal divorce. Keep them separate and remember you are not powerless. Don’t let your emotional state run the legal process. Find an emotional support system in your family and friends. Then focus on obtaining legal advice with someone you trust so you are not worried about your representation in addition to the many emotions occurring during the upheaval of divorce. Ask questions when you don’t understand something. You have the power to move the case forward and treat your ex with respect even if you are not receiving the same respect. It can be as smooth a transition and you choose to make it. But you must remain positive and proactive. Find activities like exercise, yoga, walking to de-stress.
— I am flexible and reasonable in hourly rates and always offer flat fee options for uncontested cases or review of paperwork.
— If you have a question I will answer it and explain everything that we file with the court.
— It’s best to work it out amongst yourselves rather than have a third party Judge step in and dictate. Remember that. You and your spouse are the most familiar with your circumstances. Mediating saves money and time.
— I’m here for you after your judgment has been entered and your divorce is final. If you need support or custody modifications just contact me immediately and we will handle after-the-fact needs.
If you need a lawyer call or email me for information. I am here to help!
Sandy’s Bio
I graduated from the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor with a BA in Theatre and Drama. I was accepted to Business School and opted out to go to New York to continue acting on a professional level. While touring the country as an actress however, I was also studying for the LSAT! I just could not stop studying! After the national tour ended, I moved to Los Angeles and continued performing on stage and television, waitressing and temping in law firms (and other industries) during the down time and auditioning, auditioning, auditioning. I have performed with James Earl Jones, Candice Bergen, and Samuel L. Jackson, among others. I have screen tested for Quincy Jones and Sidney Lumet to name a few. I have a passion for learning and if I wasn’t applying to a graduate program (or deferring one) I was in class. I have actually always been in school in some way, shape or fashion. From three years of French at LA Valley College to online learning via Lynda.com (love it!), I am a perpetual learner. What better profession than law, eh? You can never know “all” the law.
In 1999, I formed Riprap Entertainment, an online promotion of writers world-wide that grew into a brick and mortar operation on Lankershim Boulevard for eight years where I produced live theatre and a television show on KVMD here in Los Angeles. I worked with amazing talent and Riprap Entertainment remains in existence but has taken a back seat to my law practice.
While operating the theatre as a producer, writer and actress, I also wrote the contracts and handled all legal matters. I remained desperate to use “the other side” of my brain. A true multi-tasker. I finally found an advanced degree program that fit my schedule in Abraham Lincoln University (“ALU”) where I earned my J.D. and graduated valedictorian. ALU afforded me an opportunity to pursue a higher degree without going into massive debt or putting my life on hold since it was a part-time program. After graduation, I began volunteering at Public Counsel while waiting on my Bar results. I was shocked to find that I thoroughly enjoyed bankruptcy. My love was further enabled by the supportive attorney staff at Public Counsel. They support the volunteer attorneys while working at the self-help desk and privately when needed. Public Counsel maintains a highly competent, compassionate and friendly staff. I also volunteer at the Harriett Buhai Center for Family Law, assisting people seeking divorce and child custody. I am honored to assist such amazing organizations. Helping others is quite humbling and gratifying.
After associating with more experienced colleagues and continuing my night job, I opened my own solo office in Van Nuys in 2010. My prior experience as a waitress, temp, actress, writer, producer and theatre owner gives me insight and understanding of my clients. I have worn many hats which means I can empathize with a wide variety of human experiences. I am a risk taker and a people person. I know I can learn something from everyone who steps into my office. I also understand paralyzing fear and if I can alleviate your fears in some minor way, I am happy. I know that positive growth and change can be painful. So I always want to inspire and encourage all of my friends and clients to stay positive, stay challenged and to be fearless. Don’t be afraid to get outside of your comfort zone. It’s a good place to be and often well worth it.
I have recently served on the Board of the Black Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles, Inc. as Corresponding Secretary, Internet Chair and Publicity Chair. I am proud to say that I was instrumental in implementing a Member Directory that has benefitted the organization. I have met wonderful, supportive attorneys via my participation and remain amazed at how hard my colleagues work to improve society during their “down time.” I created and manage All Things ALU (“ALU”), an Alumni site dedicated to nurturing the students and alumni.
I am a current member of cdcbaa (Central District Consumer Bankruptcy Attorney Association), the Family Law Section of the State Bar of California, the Black Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles, Inc., and a former member of the Beverly Hills Bar Association, San Fernando Bar Association, NACBA (National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys), and the American Bar Association.
In addition to my law practice, I have also enjoyed tutoring students for the Baby Bar and the California Bar Exam. Although I have pulled back on my hourly tutoring, I am always willing to chat with students about taking and preparing for the CA General Bar Exam. I received a grade of “A” on the Baby Bar and passed the General Bar only 23 days after graduating, while working a full-time job and without taking a traditional bar review course. Students and new lawyers check out my labor of love All Things ALU.
Abraham Lincoln University, J.D., Valedictorian (2009)
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Bachelor of Arts, Theatre & Drama, School of Literature, Science and Arts
Jurisdictions Admitted to Practice
State of California (2009)
USDC, Central District of California (2010)
USDC, Central District of California Bankruptcy Court (Riverside, Ventura, LA, Woodland Hills) (2010)
USDC, Eastern District of California (Sacramento, Modesto, Fresno, Bakersfield) (2010)
Professional & Bar Association Memberships
ABA – American Bar Association (2009-2010)
Black Women Lawyers Association of Los Angeles (Member 2009-Present)
Corresponding Secretary, Internet Committee Chair, Publicity Chair (2011-2012)
Internet Committee Chair (2012-2013)
cdcbaa – Central District Consumer Bankruptcy Attorney Association (2010-Present)
NACBA – National Association of Consumer Bankruptcy Attorneys (2009-2010)
San Fernando Bar Association (2009-2012)
Actors Equity Association – (1990-Present)
Screen Actors Guild (1991-Present)
Volunteer Activities
Volunteer, Public Counsel – (2010-Present)
Volunteer, Harriett Buhai Center for Family Law – (2012-Present)
Websites and Blogs:
Sandy on Facebook
ALU Alumni Site
Riprap Entertainment, est. 1999. This web site is the history of my entertainment company Riprap Entertainment and eight years at my theatre on Lankershim Boulevard in North Hollywood, California.
DISCLAIMER PLEASE READ: Nothing on this web site creates an attorney-client relationship. Until you have signed a client-engagement agreement with Sandra Nutt, Attorney At Law, there is no attorney-client relationship. The information provided is for general informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. Readers should not rely on it to solve individual problems. The information should not be a substitute for individualized legal advice based on the unique facts relevant to your personal situation. Such legal advice cannot be given without full consideration of all relevant information relating to a visitor’s individual situation. Sandra Nutt, Attorney at Law, does not owe a duty of confidentiality to individuals who unilaterally email inquiries when the email is unsolicited. However, all information discussed during the free initial consultation is confidential in most circumstances. Providing a phone number and contact information is an invitation only to contact Sandy, not to submit confidential information. If specific legal advice is sought, Sandy will indicate that this requires establishment of an attorney-client relationship, which cannot be carried out through the use of a web page.